The Benefits of Crate Training for Havanese

Crate training is a valuable tool for Havanese owners, providing a safe and comfortable space for your dog while fostering good behavior and enhancing housetraining efforts. When done correctly, crate training creates a secure environment for your Havanese and builds positive associations with their personal space. This guide will walk you through the benefits, methods, and challenges of crate training, offering a step-by-step approach tailored to the Havanese breed.

Black wire dog crate with double doors and removable plastic tray, suitable for small dogs like Havanese.

Why Crate Training Is Important

Crate training benefits both dogs and owners in several ways:

1. Provides a Safe Space

A crate serves as a den-like environment where your Havanese can relax, nap, or retreat when feeling overwhelmed or tired.

2. Assists in Housetraining

Dogs naturally avoid soiling their sleeping area, making crate training an effective tool for teaching bladder and bowel control.

3. Prevents Destructive Behavior

When unsupervised, a crated dog is less likely to chew on furniture, shoes, or other household items.

4. Aids in Travel

A crate provides a familiar, secure environment for travel, reducing stress during car rides or flights.

5. Promotes Safety

During busy household activities or emergencies, a crate keeps your dog safe and out of harm’s way.

Is Crate Training Suitable for Havanese?

Yes, crate training is highly beneficial for Havanese. Their small size and natural desire for comfort make them well-suited to the cozy, den-like environment of a crate. Additionally, their intelligence and eagerness to please make them quick learners when training is approached positively.

Choosing the Right Crate

1. Size

  • The crate should be large enough for your Havanese to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably.
  • Avoid oversized crates, as they may encourage soiling in one corner while sleeping in another.

2. Material

  • Wire Crates: Durable, well-ventilated, and collapsible for easy storage.
  • Plastic Crates: Lightweight and enclosed, offering a greater sense of security for some dogs.
  • Soft-Sided Crates: Ideal for travel but less durable for everyday use or teething puppies.

3. Accessories

  • Add a soft, washable crate mat or bed for comfort.
  • Consider a crate cover to create a darker, den-like atmosphere, if your dog prefers it.

Find a wide selection of quality crates at Amazon.

Step-by-Step Guide to Crate Training

1. Introduce the Crate

  • Place the crate in a quiet, accessible area where your Havanese can feel part of the household but not overwhelmed.
  • Allow your dog to explore the crate freely, leaving the door open.
  • Toss treats, toys, or a favorite blanket inside to encourage them to enter.

2. Build Positive Associations

  • Feed your Havanese near or inside the crate to create a positive connection.
  • Gradually move the food bowl deeper into the crate over several meals.
  • Praise and reward your dog when they enter the crate voluntarily.

3. Start Closing the Door

  • Once your Havanese is comfortable entering the crate, close the door briefly while they are inside with a treat or toy.
  • Stay nearby and open the door after a few seconds.
  • Gradually increase the time the door is closed, ensuring your dog remains calm.

4. Practice Short Absences

  • After your dog is comfortable with the door closed, step out of the room for a few minutes.
  • Return and reward your Havanese for staying calm.
  • Slowly extend the duration of your absences, always returning before your dog becomes distressed.

5. Teach a Crate Command

  • Use a consistent command, such as “Crate” or “Go to bed,” when guiding your dog into the crate.
  • Reward them immediately when they comply, reinforcing the command.

6. Establish a Routine

  • Incorporate the crate into daily routines, such as naptime, feeding, or bedtime.
  • Avoid using the crate solely for confinement or punishment to maintain positive associations.

Crate Training Tips for Success

1. Be Patient

Crate training takes time, especially for puppies. Move at your dog’s pace to ensure they feel secure.

2. Keep Sessions Positive

Never force your dog into the crate or use it as a punishment. Treats, praise, and toys make the crate a rewarding space.

3. Monitor Time Spent in the Crate

  • Puppies under 6 months old should not be crated for more than 3–4 hours at a time (except overnight).
  • Adult dogs can handle longer durations but still need breaks for exercise and interaction.

4. Ignore Whining (Within Reason)

If your Havanese whines, avoid letting them out immediately, as this can reinforce the behavior. Only release them when they are calm. However, ensure they don’t need to eliminate before assuming it’s whining for attention.

5. Maintain Consistency

Use the same commands, rewards, and routines during training to avoid confusing your dog.

Common Crate Training Challenges

1. Reluctance to Enter the Crate

Solution: Use high-value treats, toys, or a favorite blanket to make the crate more inviting. Start with short sessions and gradually build comfort.

2. Whining or Barking in the Crate

Solution: Ensure your dog’s needs (bathroom, exercise, hunger) are met. Avoid reinforcing whining by waiting for them to calm down before letting them out.

3. Accidents in the Crate

Solution: Check that the crate size is appropriate and take your dog outside for potty breaks more frequently. Clean accidents thoroughly with an enzymatic cleaner to remove odors.

4. Overuse of the Crate

Solution: Balance crate time with ample exercise, play, and social interaction to prevent boredom or isolation.


Q: At what age should I start crate training my Havanese?
You can begin crate training as early as 8 weeks old. Start with short, positive sessions to build comfort and trust.

Q: How long can a Havanese be crated during the day?
Puppies should be crated for no longer than 3–4 hours at a time during the day, while adult Havanese can handle up to 6–8 hours if necessary.

Q: Can I use a crate for housetraining?
Yes! Crate training is an effective tool for housetraining, as dogs avoid soiling their sleeping area. Pair crate training with regular potty breaks.

Q: Should I cover my Havanese’s crate?
Some dogs prefer the crate to feel den-like and secure, so a cover can help. Monitor your dog’s comfort and adjust as needed.

Q: What if my Havanese dislikes the crate?
If your dog resists crate training, take it slow. Reward small steps, like entering the crate, and avoid using the crate for punishment.


Crate training your Havanese is a valuable process that provides them with a safe, comfortable space while supporting housetraining and good behavior. By introducing the crate gradually, using positive reinforcement, and maintaining consistency, you can ensure your Havanese views their crate as a secure and happy environment. With patience and dedication, crate training will enhance your bond and create a harmonious home for you and your dog.


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